PassPort the World - flask project

PassPort the World - flask project
PassPort the World - flask project
PassPort the World - flask project
PassPort the World - flask project
PassPort the World - flask project
PassPort the World - flask project
PassPort the World - flask project

PassPort the World - flask project

This project is a fully functional vacations website developed using Flask as the backend framework. The front end is crafted with HTML, CSS, and Bootstrap, ensuring a responsive and user-friendly interface. The website offers various vacation packages, allowing users to browse, like, and interact with vacation listings. The backend is powered by Python, with a MySQL database serving as the data repository. The project employs a Data Access Layer (DAL) and a facade pattern to ensure a clean separation of concerns, promoting maintainability and scalability. The DAL encapsulates all database operations, while the facade provides a simplified interface to interact with the system, making the codebase easier to manage and extend. JavaScript is integrated to enhance user experience, enabling dynamic features like the "like" functionality for vacation packages and the "Load More" button to display additional vacation options. This combination of technologies results in a robust and scalable web application that offers a seamless experience for users searching for their next vacation.

Project information

  • Category
    python javascript html css flask
  • Github Link View Code